Any experience with Enix (Everex SysV for 386)?

Keith Brown keithb at reed.UUCP
Fri Dec 2 07:12:28 AEST 1988

re: $499 price of ENIX I posted earlier
This price was from UNIXEXPO, talking to Vik Vakil, Marketing Manager of
ENIX System V (may be a subsidiary of Everex rather than an embedded Co.),
48460 Kato Road, Fremont, CA 94538. (415) 683-2564 voice, (415) 651-0728
FAX, Telex= 5101000590EVEREX
I have no relation to the above, just amused at UnixExpo, having just
purchases the complete Microport for my '386.

Keith Brown
UUCP:  {decvax allegra ucbcad ucbvax hplabs ihnp4}!tektronix!reed!keithb
BITNET: keith at reed.BITNET       ARPA: keithb%reed.bitnet at
CSNET: reed!keithb at Tektronix.CSNET     CIS: 72615,216

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