Any experience with Enix (Everex SysV for 386)?

Fred Rump from home fr at icdi10.uucp
Wed Dec 7 05:22:27 AEST 1988

In article <102 at epsilon.UUCP>, jlg at epsilon.UUCP (My account ) writes:
< A side note to anyone purchasing UNIX/XENIX for 286 and 386. The spec
< being used by NASA for the space shuttle computers is (are you ready?)
< S.C.O. XENIX 386. A company I consult with has purchased both the 286 and
< 386 versions for my project there, and I am quite satisfied with BOTH
< versions of the product. Both are at rev 2.2.3. The only complaint I have
< at all is the V.P.I.X. for the 386 (It is a serious performance drain even
< though it seems to do what it was advertised to do).
<                                        -- John Grzesiak --
<                                           @ Omega Dynamics

Well, now we'll know why if another shuttle crashes, blows up or otherwise
Seriously, I don't know why the surprise though. The Navy has SCO on it's
ships. (We're involved in that little effort) And the Army uses Xenix all
over the place. So what else is new?

VP/ix is slow as a task. Yes. You really need a 20 or 25 Mhz box to look like
an AT. And to run a bunch of DOS jobs is not the goods. It's really meant to
be the occasional task to prevent Xenix from having to be taken down as
before. But it works: Halleluja!
{allegra killer gatech!uflorida decvax!ucf-cs}!ki4pv!cdis-1!cdin-1!icdi10!fr    
26 Warren St.             or ...{bellcore,rutgers,cbmvax}!bpa!cdin-1!icdi10!fr
Beverly, NJ 08010         or INTERNET:  fred at  or fr at icdi10
609-386-6846          "Freude... Alle Menschen werden Brueder..."  -  Schiller

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