Maintaining archives with makefile (MORE INFO)

Donald S. Hearth hearth at Unify.Com
Thu Mar 21 09:41:13 AEST 1991

     I would like to add that I would prefer that all source files
     in that directory would attempt to compile. The reason that I
     chose to over-ride the default .c.a macro was that if one source
     file has an error while compiling, the make will stop. I do not
     want to put a "-" before my compile statement, though, because
     I do not want the archive to make if any of the source files
     did not compile.

     I realize that this is probably an impossible task, but if anyone
     has a suggestion, I am all ears!!!

                                          Don Hearth
*  Donald S. Hearth        *   address: hearth at                  *
*  UNIFY Corporation       *                                              *
*  Sacramento, CA          *   Go 49ers, A's, and LA Kings!               *

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