Maintaining archives with makefiles

Donald S. Hearth hearth at Unify.Com
Thu Mar 21 09:33:08 AEST 1991

    I need some help. I am trying to create a makefile that will maintain
    an archive. Here is what I have so far:


                $(LIB)(foo1.o) \
                $(LIB)(foo2.o) \

        $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(?:.o=.c)
        ar crv ../../lib/$(LIB) `lorder *.o | tsort`
        $(RANLIB) $(LIB)
        rm -f *.o

.c.a :;

    The problem with this makefile is that if foo2.c has a compiler error,
    after I fix the problem and rerun make, all three source files get 
    remade. Now, for 3 source files, it is no big deal, but if there are
    100 or more source files, it can be a BIG pain. Can somebody suggest
    a solution to this problem?

*  Donald S. Hearth        *   address: hearth at                  *
*  UNIFY Corporation       *                                              *
*  Sacramento, CA          *   Go 49ers, A's, and LA Kings!               *

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