Yacc Documentation
rgcote at cls.lcs.mit.EDU
rgcote at cls.lcs.mit.EDU
Thu Feb 12 10:42:33 AEST 1987
Can anyone direct me to some good documentation on how to use Yacc. In
particular, how to write a compiler using Yacc. I already have the paper
"Yacc: Yet Another Compiler-Compiler" by Stephen Johnson (July 31, 1978)
and also chapter 8 in "The Unix Programming Environment" by Kernighan
and Pike. Are there any other good papers on how to use Yacc? I am
interested in learning more about how to do good error recovery and static
semantic checking.
Please mail to me directly since I do no subscribe to this mailing list.
Thanks ahead of time for any help you may be able to give.
-Rob Cote
rgcote at cls.lcs.mit.edu (internet)
P.S. I will be working with 4.2BSD Unix running on a DEC VAX 750 and 780.
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