4.3 uda partitions for ra81 drives

pml at usl.UUCP pml at usl.UUCP
Fri Feb 13 07:57:44 AEST 1987

This is a very simple question which the right
person out there ought to know the answer to.

Why are there "holes" of unused space in the RA81
partition table as defined in uda.c?
There are unused sectors between A and B, B and H, 
and between H and G.
I noticed that the UCBRA drive type doesn't have 
them and neither did the 4.2 tables (although the 4.2
layout sucked).

If anyone can shed some light I would be appreciative.
Please respond directly to me as we do not receive 
comp.unix.questions. TIA


ut-sally \                          Patrick Landry
          !usl!pml                  The Center for Advanced Computer Studies
  akgua  /                          University of Southwestern Louisiana
                                    pml%usl at csnet-relay  

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