SVR3 Manuals

John Gayman john at wa3wbu.UUCP
Wed Nov 30 13:38:15 AEST 1988

   I recall seeing an advertisement a few months back from an outfit
like Sams, Hayden, etc. offering a set of manuals for SVR3 much like
those that are out for SVR2. Would anyone have a telephone number and
or title/ISDN numbers for these ? I beleive it was about 3-4 books.


John Gayman, WA3WBU              |           UUCP: uunet!wa3wbu!john
1869 Valley Rd.                  |           ARPA: john at 
Marysville, PA 17053             |           Packet: WA3WBU @ AK3P 

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