AST or other dumb serial card for Xenix?

Steve Dyer dyer at spdcc.COM
Wed Nov 30 13:05:34 AEST 1988

I have a Digiboard Com/4S, a 4-port dumb board.  It's worked flawlessly
ever since it was installed 1.5 years ago.  I'm running XENIX 386 on an
AT with an Inboard 386/AT with 3mb of memory.  This is no world-beater
but it's quite acceptable, even with 3 Telebits (usually running at 19.2)
and 1 9600 baud leased line.  I haven't felt the need to upgrade to a
"smarter" board.

Steve Dyer
dyer at
dyer at spdcc.COM aka {harvard,husc6,linus,ima,bbn,m2c,mipseast}!spdcc!dyer

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