Access to UNIX-Related Publications

Jean-Pierre Radley jpr at dasys1.UUCP
Sun Nov 13 09:50:34 AEST 1988

From: jpr at dasys1.UUCP (Jean-Pierre Radley)

In article <256 at longway.TIC.COM> std-unix at uunet.UU.NET writes:
> ...
>	UNIX Today
>	CMP Publications, Inc.
>	600 Community Drive
>	Manhasset, NY 11030
>	U.S.A.
>	newspaper
>	+1-617-244-5333
> ...

I don't happen to have any issues of UNIX Today on hand. But I am
questioning the telephone number provided. 617 is Boston area. Manhasset 
is in the 516 area code.

[ The number came from the newspaper; quite possibly their subscriptions
are handled by a different office or company.  -mod ]

How about also including the uucp addess for the various publications and
organizations listed?

[ Where known, I do so.  If you know of ones I haven't listed, perhaps
you could send them to me.  -mod ]

Editorial opinion: UNIX Today is fresh and well written and informative.
And also gratis for "qualified" *nix persons.
Jean-Pierre Radley		Honi soit		jpr at dasys1.UUCP
New York, New York		qui mal			...!hombre!jpradley!jpr
CIS: 76120,1341			y pense			...!hombre!trigere!jpr

Volume-Number: Volume 15, Number 29

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