MacOS Applications under A/UX 1.1?

Frank W. Peters peters at
Tue Apr 25 02:36:11 AEST 1989


     I recently acquired an Apple Macintosh IIcx with A/UX 1.1, Apple's
UNIX system.  Release 1.1 offers greater support for the Mac's toolbox
routines than did 1.0.

     With this in mind, I'm interested in hearing from anyone who knows
of any MacOS applications that run under A/UX 1.1.  I'd like to compile
a list (which I'd make available to anyone interested of course) of such
software (both sharewware/public domain and commercial).  Have any of the
major macazines (MacUser, MacWorld and the like) begun adding this kind
of information to their reviews?  (Hmmmmm..mebbe I should write 'em a 
letter suggesting it...)

     Please send any replies to me and I will post a summary to the net
if interest warrents.

                                   Frank W. Peters

P.S.  If any vendors want to drop me a note saying "our product works
      just spiffy with A/UX" I won't mind at all.  Don't be shy...

| Systems & Networks Programmer      |   Mississippi State University  |
| Phone:    (601) 325-2942           |   Computing Center and Services |
| Internet:  peters at CC.MsState.Edu   |   Post Office Drawer CC         |
| BITNET:    PETERS at MSSTATE.BITNET   |   Mississippi State, MS.  39762 |
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