Hard Disk Backup for an A/UX SYSTEM?

Frank W. Peters peters at cc.msstate.edu
Tue Apr 25 02:47:15 AEST 1989


     I have recently acquired an Apple Macintosh IIcx with A/UX, Apple's
version of UNIX for their systems.  My next purchase will be some sort of
backup system (I am currently borrowing an Apple 40meg tape system from a

     I'm interested in any hints or suggestions about what I should get.  In
particular, do any third party tape systems work with A/UX (that is, can they
be accessed as standard UNIX /dev devices from within A/UX)?  Is anyone using
one of the many removable disk units currently available for backup?  If so,
how well does it work?  How do you like it?  What advantages/disadvantages
does it give over a tape system?   and, finally, does anyone have any other
suggestions about systems for doing disk backups?

     Please send any responses to me directly.  I will post a summary to
the net if interest warrents.

                            Frank Peters

| Systems & Networks Programmer      |   Mississippi State University  |
| Phone:    (601) 325-2942           |   Computing Center and Services |
| Internet:  peters at CC.MsState.Edu   |   Post Office Drawer CC         |
| BITNET:    PETERS at MSSTATE.BITNET   |   Mississippi State, MS.  39762 |
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