UNIX logging question.

Doug Gwyn gwyn at smoke.BRL.MIL
Fri Dec 8 13:31:57 AEST 1989

In article <3259 at hub.UUCP> harald at apple.ucsb.edu (Ommang) writes:
>If you enter a nonexisting login id or an incorrect password, is this
>logged somewhere in a file / to a system console ? (I sure hope so, ..

You seem to think that this would be a security advantage,
but it can act quite to the contrary when people's passwords
are printed out (with small, usually readily identifiable, typos).

In fact, many systems DO log "Bad Login Attempts", but they should
do this only into a secure file, not to the console.

>Also, Gary Grossman in "How Secure is Secure", UNIX Review Aug '86,
>concludes that UNIX does not quite make it to a C2 NCSC rating.

Gould UTX-32S was rated C1.
UNIX System V/MLS is rated B2, I believe.
I think there are other NTSC-rated flavors of UNIX.

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