UNIX logging question.

Stefan Linnemann crissl at rulcvx.uucp
Fri Dec 8 21:35:51 AEST 1989

In article <3259 at hub.UUCP> harald at apple.ucsb.edu (Ommang) writes:
>I'm working on a paper comparing security in UNIX and HP's MPE op.sys.
>There is one little detail that I haven't found out about yet :
>If you enter a nonexisting login id or an incorrect password, is this
>logged somewhere in a file / to a system console ?

On our system, a Convex C210, failed logins are logged in
/usr/adm/badlogins.  Though Convex uses a BSD derived Unix, they have
modified it, so I can't tell whether this is a common place or just

Hope this helps,
Stefan M. Linnemann               UUCP:    crissl at rulcvx.uucp
System programmer UNIX and MVS             mcvax!rulcvx!crissl
CRI, Leiden University            Bitnet:  CRISSL at HLERUL5 (VMS)
PO-box 9512                       Bitnet:  CRISSL at HLERUL2 (MVS/XA)
2300 RA Leiden                    Phone:   +31 71 276936 (or 276921)
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