searching for a file

andre andre at targon.UUCP
Mon May 8 23:08:16 AEST 1989

In article <1530 at> gefuchs at (Gill E. Fuchs) writes:
>i was thinking of using :
>        find . -name 'gugu' -print
>how would one make that a recursive search, something a la ls -R


	find . -name '*gugu' -print

~----~ |m    AAA         DDDD  It's not the kill, but the thrill of the chase.
~|d1|~@--   AA AAvv   vvDD  DD        Segment registers are for worms.
~----~  &  AAAAAAAvv vvDD  DD
~~~~~~ -- AAA   AAAvvvDDDDDD        Andre van Dalen, uunet!mcvax!targon!andre

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