May 1989 Archives by author
Starting: Mon May 1 00:28:25 AEST 1989
Ending: Wed May 31 22:44:35 AEST 1989
Messages: 807
- "talk" vs "ntalk" under 4.3 BSD
cliff at .UCalgary.CA
- Large file systems
Pekka Nousiainen /DP
- crypt: cannot generate key
- test primitive
- terminal connections to multiport boards at 19.2Kb
- Insufficient Resource Error on msgsnd Call
- RTFM... I wish... (Re: appolgies "obviously")
- XBBS compile on uport 286
- tar from a disk (not tape)
Yoly Young % ILDCD22 % c10112 % 7633
- Ugly file name
Rick Ace
- `New' ftpd from won't compile
Rick Adams
- fopen bug in Interactive ix/386 ?
News Admin
- sed script to remove cr/lf except at paragraph breaks
Bill Fulton [Sys Admin]
- Central mail server
The System Administrator
- Frequently asked questions in these groups deserve a monthly posting
Jimmy Aitken
- nroff table generators
Jaap Akkerhuis
- unix question: files per directory
Brandon S. Allbery
- PolyAwk - AWK question
Brandon S. Allbery
- naked SCCS really SCCS!
Kenneth Almquist
- Insufficient Resource Error on msgsnd Call
Kenneth Almquist
- How do I pick a word at random from a list of words?
Bjoern Andersen
- Formal file names (was: Unix deficiencies/problems)
Jan B. Andersen
- Re^2: Unix deficiencies/problems
Jan B. Andersen
- Re^2: Unix Type-ahead problem
Jan B. Andersen
- Address/Phone # of Usenix
Mark Andrews
- Upping the number of users on a Celerity
Mark Andrews
- Xerox document on XNS
Mark Andrews
- dbx screwing up...
Jitendra Apte
- system() --- the C function from hell?
Sudheer Apte
- Meta-Question
Ken Arromdee
- pattern matching
- finding the missing links
Erik Baalbergen
- Comments on UBACKUP
Gregory S. Baber
- killing processes
Mark P. Bader
- Starting Remote Jobs
Peter C. Bahrs
- Xenix cron is haunted!!!
Mark J. Bailey
- Looking for summer "guest" news/mail account in Boston area
Mark J. Bailey
- adding to the end of tarred Archive 60 meg tapes
Mark J. Bailey
- mode setting of created file
David Baird
- How can I find out cc or cpp symbols?
Scott Barman
- Unix deficiencies/problems
Scott Barman
- Unix deficiencies/problems
Scott Barman
- Unix Type-ahead problem
Bruce Barnett
- ASCII & Binary sort (was: sort question )
Bruce G. Barnett
- ASCII & Binary sort (was: sort question )
Bruce G. Barnett
- Is there an alternate method of remote printing?
Bruce G. Barnett
- Ugly file name
David Barrett
- sed ? question
Jeff Beadles
- Why is fortune writing to the fortunes.dat file?
Jeff Beadles
- killing processes
Jeff Beadles
- tar from a disk (not tape)
Jeff Beadles;X2568;61-215
- cleanup script needed
Jeff Beadles;X2568;61-215
- Ugly file name
Jeff Beadles;X2568;61-215
- Ugly File Name (Correction)
Doug Becker;685-2062;61-277;;mustang
- tcsh
Jeff Benjamin
- .suffile/.logout in ksh
Jeff Benjamin
- dbm(3x) bug help needed BADLY
Jon Bennett
- system() --- the C function from hell?
James C. Benz
- Frustration....
Rob Bernardo
- Unix deficiencies/problems
Dan Bernstein
- Unix BBS Software Summary:
Tom Betz
- Unix BBS Software
Tom Betz
- Ugly file name
Frank Bicknell
- 3b2/600G (AFCAC 251 contract) query
Larry Bierma
- Ugly file name
Ron Birnbaum
- Too many states for YACC
Robert L. Blackburn
- RCS co/ci commands problem.
Scott Boake
- printer driver
Kevin Boyes
- uucico hangs on the AT&T 6386
Dennis S. Breckenridge
- RCS header in fortran binary files
Jeffrey L Bromberger
- PolyAwk - AWK question
Martin J Brown-Jr
- PolyAwk - AWK question
Martin J Brown-Jr
- Contacts for ATT and BSD unix?
Randy Buckland
- How can I find out cc or cpp symbols?
Gordon Burditt
- line length
Marilyn Bushway
- Why is fortune writing to the fortunes.dat file?
Hans Buurman
- Why is fortune writing to the fortunes.dat file?
Hans Buurman
- lpr uid
David J. Camp
- QNX - real-time unix?
Brian Cantwell
- Testing execute permission from csh
Graham J Carpenter
- 3b2 Kernel Hackers, HELP!!
Maninder Chawla
- Does tail still need the 4K byte limit?
Kaare Christian
- Large file systems
Robert Claeson
- Unix Type-ahead problem
Robert Claeson
- A good blockfactor for 6250 bpi tapes?
Robert Claeson
- Unix Type-ahead problem
Andy Clews
- Unix Type-ahead problem
Andy Clews
- Possible Sh bug?
Andy Clews
- IBC Computer and Xenix
Stephen Cohen
- How can I find out cc or cpp symbols?
Dave Collier-Brown
- uugetty
John Conover
- sed script to remove cr/lf except at paragraph breaks
Roger A. Cornelius
- Unix deficiencies/problems
Robert Cousins
- What does "spell" do wrong?
John Cowan
- Frequently asked questions in these groups deserve a monthly posting
John Cowan
- Ugly file name
Sid Cowles
- Reattach inode to lost&found / what file is it?
Alex Crain
- Bug Tracking For UNIX
Clayton Cramer
- Lars J. Poulsen -- Everyone Else Ignore
Clayton Cramer
- Unix deficiencies/problems
- Testing execute permission from csh
- Running MS/PC-DOS under Unix/Xenix
William Davidsen
- sort question
William Davidsen
- NFS on Motorola MVME147 running SV/68?
Michael DeCorte
- Date to switch from standard time to daylight savings time
Steve DeJarnett
- "usleep" routine in HP's
Dave Decot
- sort question
Dave Decot
- Native Language System/Support (NLS) - any documentation?
Dave Decot
- What does "spell" do wrong?
Dave Decot
- How do I pick a word at random from a list of words?
Dave Decot
- Ugly file name
Joe Dellinger
- Ugly file name
Joe Dellinger
- Is there an alternate method of remote printing?
Steve Dempsey
- Backup under sunos 4.0
Rich Winkel UMC Math Department
- Gnuplot
Rich Winkel UMC Math Department
- How can I find out cc or cpp symbols?
Rahul Dhesi
- HELP! Biff (and talk) problems...
Rahul Dhesi
- How can I find out cc or cpp symbols?
Rahul Dhesi
- List of DOS commands that are similar to UNIX
Rahul Dhesi
- Unix Type-ahead problem
Rahul Dhesi
- Unix deficiencies/problems (immediate character echoing)
Rahul Dhesi
- RTFM... (really: sed -n 100,115p)
Rahul Dhesi
- RTFM... (really: sed -n 100,115p)
Rahul Dhesi
- RTFM... (really: sed -n 100,115p)
Rahul Dhesi
- User accounts
Rahul Dhesi
- Help with MIPS "dbx" command
Norman Diamond
- sort question
Andrew Dingwall
- What type of tape does an Archive 150 MB SCSI Drive use?
Clarence Dold
- 386/ix vp/ix using com1 device with Arnet Smartport-8
Clarence Dold
- check to see if cp is complete
Peter Dressner
- System V Remote Shell?
Dave Droman
- Unix deficiencies/problems (immediate character echoing)
W. Lee Duncan
- Ugly file name
W. Lee Duncan
- tcsh
W. Lee Duncan
- perl and other "non-standard" commands
John W. Eaton
- Booting diskless PC/AT-workstations from UN|X via ethernet
Erwin Eder
- Repost and summary : diskless workstations (long)
Erwin Eder
- `New' ftpd from won't compile
Daniel R. Ehrlich
- wanted: pager "most"
Erik Ekkel
- Space limit on bc programs
Noam Elkies
- crypt: cannot generate key
David Elliott
- perl and other "non-standard" commands (was Re: cascading pipes in awk)
David Elliott
- perl and other "non-standard" commands
David Elliott
- finding the missing links
David Elliott
- ditroff and me macros
Chris Elvin
- cleanup script needed
Dennis G. Rears FSAC
- Shar program needed
Dennis G. Rears FSAC
- Does tail still need the 4K byte limit?
Don Faulkner
- pattern matching
Don Faulkner
- Need help mapping HP keyboard
Chris Faylor
- sort question
Kelvin Fielding
- Conditionals in Makefiles
Ralph Finch
- Utility to generate merge file?
Ralph Finch
- cascading pipes in awk
Ralph Finch
- QNX - real-time unix?
Andrew Findlay
- What should 'hostname' return?
John Franks
- Ugly file name
Doug Freyburger
- Unix deficiencies/problems
Stephen J. Friedl
- VMS: logicals UNIX: links, but...
Jim Frost
- UNIX bc calculator
Jim Frost
- Sparse Files ?
Jim Frost
- Sparse Files ? (used often?)
Jim Frost
- Ever Growing Log Files
Jim Frost
Jim Frost
- how can .cshrc know if session is a login?
Jim Frost
- how can .cshrc know if session is a login?
Jim Frost
- HELP! Biff (and talk) problems...
Mark Frost
- random numbers in a C shell script?
Gill E. Fuchs
- tar from a disk (not tape)
Gill E. Fuchs
- Unix deficiencies/problems
Gill E. Fuchs
- type discriminating directory listing
Gill E. Fuchs
- searching for a file
Gill E. Fuchs
- appolgies "obviously"
Gill E. Fuchs
- SunView ==> PostScript filter
Gill E. Fuchs
- Need a SIGIO example
Bill Fuller
- .suffile/.logout in ksh
Jason Gabler
- How can I find out cc or cpp symbols?
Jim Gardner
- Large file systems
Art Gentry
- Slow remote tar
Paul Gill
- nroff table generators
Daniel A. Glasser
- /etc/utmp Question (?)
Daniel A. Glasser
- Need help mapping Apollo keypad
Martha Godwin
- A (hopefully) simple make question
David S. Goldberg
- Sparse Files ?
David Goodenough
- Unix deficiencies/problems
David Goodenough
- random numbers in a C shell script?
David Goodenough
- How to contact Berkeley for 4.3 BSD
Daniel Gorham
- How can I find out cc or cpp symbols?
Ed Gould
- How to stop mail from cron
Max Heffler at Landmark Graphics
- Request recommendation on debugging 'tutorials', dbx, adb etc.
Max Heffler at Landmark Graphics
- Does tail still need the 4K byte limit?
Ubben Greg
- SYSV version of \"grabchars.c\".
Ubben Greg
- random numbers in a C shell script?
Ubben Greg
- sed script to remove cr/lf except at paragraph breaks
Ubben Greg
- Ugly file name
John Gregor
- XBBS compile on uport 286
Michael Grenier
- system() --- the C function from hell?
Kyle Grieser
- Frustration....
Gregory A. Gulik
- Meta-Question
Doug Gwyn
- VMS: logicals UNIX: links, but...
Doug Gwyn
- How can I find out cc or cpp symbols?
Doug Gwyn
- How can I find out cc or cpp symbols?
Doug Gwyn
- Need a timeout device SVR3.x
Doug Gwyn
- tar from a disk (not tape)
Doug Gwyn
- Shar program needed
Doug Gwyn
- Need a timeout device SVR3.x
Doug Gwyn
- searching for a file
Doug Gwyn
- Need a timeout device SVR3.x
Doug Gwyn
- Need a timeout device SVR3.x
Doug Gwyn
- Question about dup()
Doug Gwyn
- sort question
Doug Gwyn
- Early history of UNIX and shells
Doug Gwyn
- Frequently asked questions in these groups deserve a monthly posting
Doug Gwyn
- void *a
Doug Gwyn
- Does GNU emacs ever use shared libraries?
Mike Haertel
- cascading pipes in awk
Donald E. Hager
- finding the missing links
Donald E. Hager
- unirot (aka `The Soup Kitchen')
Dave Hammond
- Unix deficiencies/problems
Dave Hammond
- searching for a file
Dave Hammond
- Sparse Files ? (used often?)
Scott Hammond
- Uucp protocols
Jonathan Hanna
- Unix deficiencies/problems
Jeff Hardy
- unix question: files per directory
Guy Harris
- Piles of plusses (was Re: comma
Guy Harris
- SunOS 4.0 graded uucp service
Guy Harris
- Which shell language should I use?
Guy Harris
- Piles of plusses (was Re: comma
Guy Harris
- more on unix swap space problem
Guy Harris
- Unix deficiencies/problems
Guy Harris
- Does tail still need the 4K byte limit?
Guy Harris
- more on unix swap space problem
Guy Harris
- Sparse Files ?
Guy Harris
- naked SCCS really SCCS!
Guy Harris
- sort question
Guy Harris
- gnucc and signal 6
Guy Harris
- naked SCCS really SCCS!
Guy Harris
- type discriminating directory listing
Guy Harris
- searching for a file
Guy Harris
- cleanup script needed
Guy Harris
- type discriminating directory listing
Guy Harris
- Ugly file name
Guy Harris
- finding filenames from inodes
Guy Harris
- Does GNU emacs ever use shared libraries?
Guy Harris
- tail -f, does it lock the file while it scans ?
Guy Harris
- ed & redirected input
Guy Harris
- Ugly file name
Guy Harris
- SUID and Shell scripts
Guy Harris
- Ugly File Name (Correction)
Guy Harris
- truncating an open (locked) file
Guy Harris
- Possible Sh bug?
Guy Harris
- inodes on remote disks (was: running out of inodes?)
Guy Harris
- sccs troubles
Guy Harris
- tcsh
Guy Harris
- VMS -> Ultrix transition
Howard C. Hart
- i-nodes disappearing in SysVr3 filesystem
Calvin Hayden
- Large file systems
Calvin Hayden
- Disappearing Inodes -- One More Time
Calvin Hayden
- Frequently asked questions in these groups deserve a monthly posting
Steve Hayman
- grep(s) on 4.x BSD
Jim Haynes
- searching for a file
Guangliang He
- Re^2: Unix deficiencies/problems
Guangliang He
- Grand Opening Party May 21 3-6 pm
Guangliang He
- Long "rwho"s
Guangliang He
- forward mail question
Guangliang He
- Ugly file name
Guangliang He
- Why doesn't 'who -q' work properly???
Guangliang He
- source versions for multiple machines
Mark A. Heilpern
- how can .cshrc know if session is a login?
Mark A. Heilpern
- setpwent(3)?
Math Student from Hell
- ra82 support in 4.3Bsd
John B. Herbert
- I can't find a good definition anywhere...
Karl Heuer
- Ugly file name
John Hevelin
- Daylight Savings Time, Leap Years, ctime, and date
Wilson Heydt
- uutty (ERROR :entry ... TGETENT
Jonas Heyman
- RCS co/ci commands problem.
Dave Hitz
- Diagnostics Error with a AT&T 7300
Pete Holsberg
- CRISP editor
Pete Holsberg
- mapping to ^D in vi's .exrc
Brian Holtz
- distributed make(1)?
Brian Holtz
- how can .cshrc know if session is a login?
Brian Holtz
- how to test for named executable in path?
Brian Holtz
- man(1) lookup: how does it work?
Brian Holtz
- more on unix swap space problem
Blair P. Houghton
- more on unix swap space problem
Blair P. Houghton
- I can't find a good definition anywhere...
Blair P. Houghton
- type discriminating directory listing
Blair P. Houghton
- RTFM... I wish... (Re: appolgies "obviously")
Blair P. Houghton
- searching for a file
Blair P. Houghton
- deleting ugly file names (was Re: Ugly file name)
Blair P. Houghton
- How do I pick a word at random from a list of words?
Blair P. Houghton
- Piles of plusses (was Re: comma operator: keep away?)
Paul Houtz
- Unix deficiencies/problems
Paul Houtz
- VMS: logicals UNIX: links, but...
Paul Houtz
- Re^2: Unix deficiencies/problems
Paul Houtz
- sort question
Paul Houtz
- Formal file names (was: Unix deficiencies/problems)
Paul Houtz
- searching for a file
Paul Houtz
- Unix Type-ahead problem
Paul Houtz
- sort question
Paul Houtz
- sort question
Paul Houtz
- sort question
Paul Houtz
- ksh alias question (I'm not proud)
Dawn E. Howe
- Lower->Upper in AWK (was: Re: cascading pipes in awk)
David Huelsbeck
- Which shell language should I use?
Phil Hughes
- fgrep
Andrew Hume
- user-level jukebox interface
Andrew Hume
- comma operator: keep away?
Michael Paul Hunter
- Ugly file name
John E Van Deusen III
- Ugly file name
John E Van Deusen III
- SysV echo
John E Van Deusen III
- SUID and Shell scripts
John E Van Deusen III
- Possible Sh bug?
John E Van Deusen III
- Frequently asked questions in these groups deserve a monthly posting
John E Van Deusen III
- tar from a disk (not tape)
Ray E. Saddler III
- searching for a file
Ray E. Saddler III
- man pages...
Don Ingli
- hello all
Don Ingli
- fopen bug in Interactive ix/386 ?
Ross Inglis
- Remote Printing using LP
Mike Israel
- csh question
Ivan Warner,G44 SSTF,6632,
- csh core dumping
+Urban J.
- I can't find a good definition anywhere...
+Urban J.
- fopen bug in Interactive ix/386 ?
+Urban J.
- Bourne shell .shrc
Nicholas Jacobs
- Non-password logins...
- Need a timeout device SVR3.x
- Starting Remote Jobs
- Hidden daemons and strange games processes.
- Long "rwho"s
- naked SCCS really SCCS!
Mark Jeghers
- help with make needed
Root Boy Jim
- Proper exit handling
Root Boy Jim
- type discriminating directory listing
Root Boy Jim
- Too many states for YACC
Root Boy Jim
- Disassembler for VAX - wanted
Root Boy Jim
- RTFM... (really: sed -n 100,115p)
Root Boy Jim
- tcsh
Root Boy Jim
- Ugly file name
Dave St. John
- Running MS/PC-DOS under Unix/Xenix
Michael R. Johnston
- Printf(1) Man Page
Norman Joseph
- Grand Opening Party May 21 3-6 pm
Jim Joyce
- /etc/utmp Question (?)
David E. Brooks Jr
- uucp and parity checking
Wm. E. Davidsen Jr
- Help with strings in Bourne shell
Wm. E. Davidsen Jr
- Question about ksh "trap" and "select" statements
Govind N. Kamat
- SysV echo
Govind N. Kamat
- How do I pick a word at random from a list of words?
Govind N. Kamat
- Possible Sh bug?
Govind N. Kamat
- PolyAwk - AWK question
Jonathan I. Kamens
- line length
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Shar program needed
Jonathan I. Kamens
- searching for a file
Jonathan I. Kamens
- File Modification Dates
Jonathan I. Kamens
- tar from a disk (not tape)
Jonathan I. Kamens
- line length
Jonathan I. Kamens
- finding filenames from inodes
Jonathan I. Kamens
- RTFM... I wish... (Re: appolgies "obviously")
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Ugly file name
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Ugly file name
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Why is fortune writing to the fortunes.dat file?
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Talk & select
Alexander Kaplan
- more on unix swap space problem
Chuck Karish
- I can't find a good definition anywhere...
David Katinsky
- Reattach inode to lost&found / what file is it?
Tanya Katz
- finding filenames from inodes
Paul T. Keener
- finding filenames from inodes
Paul T. Keener
- Which shell language should I use?
Jeffrey Kegler
- Unix deficiencies/problems
Jeffrey Kegler
- Unix deficiencies/problems
Jeffrey Kegler
- Unix deficiencies/problems
Jeffrey Kegler
- Large file systems
Jeffrey Kegler
- Unix deficiencies/problems
Jeffrey Kegler
- Starting Remote Jobs
Gregory Kemnitz
- truncating an open (locked) file
Gregory Kemnitz
- version 7.42 of XBBS
Brian Scott Kendig
- Ugly file name
John Kennedy
- Daylight Savings Time, Leap Years, ctime, and date
Vick Khera
- how can .cshrc know if session is a login?
Vick Khera
- what does EIO from open("/dev/tty", 0) == -1 mean ?
Ronald Khoo
- Ugly file name
Mark Kimmerly
- searching for a file
Mark Kimmerly
- Running MS/PC-DOS under Unix/Xenix
Earl H. Kinmonth
- Ugly file name
Earl H. Kinmonth
- Ugly file name
Earl H. Kinmonth
- tabs question
Greg Klein
- Upping the number of users on a Celerity
Roger B.A. Klorese
- Date to switch from standard time to daylight savings time
Andrew Klossner
- pattern matching
David Koblas
- RTFM... I wish... (Re: appolgies "obviously")
Andrew Koenig
- void *a
Andrew Koenig
- Running MS/PC-DOS under Unix/Xenix
Dave Kraft
- CD-ROM drives
Dave Kraft
- Unusual (?) problem with cd in ksh
Eduardo Krell
- I/O redirection for read/write (was: Unix deficiencies/problems)
Eduardo Krell
- Unusual (?) problem with cd in ksh
Eduardo Krell
- Curses on Sys Vr2/3
William Kucharski
- setpwent(3)?
William Kucharski
- What does "spell" do wrong?
William Kucharski
- Early history of UNIX and shells
David Kuder
- a portable way to truncate an open file
Richard Kuhns
- truncating an open (locked) file
Richard Kuhns
- void *a
George Kyriazis
- Reattach inode to lost&found / what file is it?
Jon H. LaBadie
- sccs troubles
Jon H. LaBadie
- *HELP* needed on device driver
Steve LaSala
- man pages...
Steve Lamont
- Unix deficiencies/problems
David Lawrence
- type discriminating directory listing
David Lawrence
- searching for a file
David Lawrence
- Daylight Savings Time, Leap Years, ctime, and date
David C Lawrence
- line length
David C Lawrence
- File Modification Dates
David C Lawrence
- Does GNU emacs ever use shared libraries?
David C Lawrence
- Re^2: type discriminating directory listing
David C Lawrence
- Ugly File Name (Correction)
David C Lawrence
- inodes on remote disks (was: running out of inodes?)
David C Lawrence
- uucp and parity checking
Russell Lawrence
- How can I find out cc or cpp symbols?
Felix Lee
- Ugly file name
Derek Lee-Wo
Evan Leibovitch
- "usleep" routine in HP's
Bob Lenk
- Looking for CD-ROM and WORM drives for Xenix or 386/ix
Simcha Lerner
- debuggers
Mark Levison
- terminal connections to multiport boards at 19.2Kb
Mark Levy
- sccs troubles
Chris Lewis
- Unusual (?) problem with cd in ksh
David B. Lewis
- Frequently asked questions in these groups deserve a monthly posting
Don Libes
- gettydefs, ADDS Viewpoint 90 terminal
Jay M. Libove
- rename() system call
Andy Lieberman
- rename() system call
Andy Lieberman
- uhhh, use Make as The Creator intended (was Re: help with make needed)
Svante Lindahl
- ed & redirected input
Steven M. List
- Re^2: Unix deficiencies/problems
Maarten Litmaath
- format script
Maarten Litmaath
- mail alert script (was: Re: HELP! Biff (and talk) problems...)
Maarten Litmaath
- mail alert script (was: Re: HELP! Biff (and talk) problems...)
Maarten Litmaath
- Re^2: Testing execute permission from csh
Maarten Litmaath
- What's the return status of a pipeline???
Maarten Litmaath
- Re^2: type discriminating directory listing
Maarten Litmaath
- Re^4: type discriminating directory listing
Maarten Litmaath
- mode setting of created file
Maarten Litmaath
- Re^2: csh question
Maarten Litmaath
- tcsh
Donald R Lloyd
- random numbers in a C shell script?
- dbm(3x) bug help needed BADLY
Christopher Lott
- Looking for a good reference on ioctlsREAD/NEW/FOLLOWUP
Generics Software Ltd.
- X Windows fatal IO error 14
Mats Luthman
- help in finding which machine a file is actually stored on
- Does tail still need the 4K byte limit?
David MacKenzie
- help in finding which machine a file is actually stored on
Mike Macgirvin
- naked SCCS really SCCS!
Ed Mackenty
- naked SCCS really SCCS!
Ed Mackenty
- CRISP editor
Thomas Maloney
- HELP! Biff (and talk) problems...
Cliff Marcellus
- Unix deficiencies/problems
Barry Margolin
- Btree library
Eli Marmor
- Btree library
Eli Marmor
- Re^2: Unix deficiencies/problems
Mike Marques
- tcsh
Chris Martin
- Curses sucks
Stephen Martin
- Black Box
- Talk & select
Doug McCallum
- gnucc and signal 6
Wm. Brian McCane
- gnucc and signal 6
Wm. Brian McCane
- Insufficient Resource Error on msgsnd Call
Jay McCauley
- Ever Growing Log Files
Tom McClory
- finding the missing links
Ron McDowell
- spell
Doug McIlroy
- random numbers in a C shell script?
Rob McMahon
- Ugly file name
Mike McNally
- Does GNU emacs ever use shared libraries?
Michael McNamara
- What to do with core dumps?
Mike McNelly
- NFS: dump(8) in a heterogenous environment; Sun server as client
Mark McWiggins
- cascading pipes in awk
Scot Mcintosh
- cascading pipes in awk
Scot Mcintosh
- Lower->Upper in AWK (was: Re: cascading pipes in awk)
Scot Mcintosh
- many thanks for awk uppercase solutions(was: cascading pipes in awk)
Scot Mcintosh
- Does GNU emacs ever use shared libraries?
Michael Meissner
- dbx screwing up...
Michael Meissner
- VMS -> Ultrix transition
Todd Merriman
- sort question
Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E
- line length
Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E
- /etc/dump W
Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E
- /etc/restore
Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E
- uucico hangs on the AT&T 6386
Leslie Mikesell
- source versions for multiple machines
Leslie Mikesell
- Need a timeout device SVR3.x
Leslie Mikesell
- cascading pipes in awk
Leslie Mikesell
- Changing the header on the -man nroff macro
Dale Miller
- Help Wnated!!
Vladimir Millien
- appolgies "obviously"
Stacy L. Millions
- Unix deficiencies/problems (immediate character echoing)
Stacy L. Millions
- split screen on VT220
Alastair Milne
- u option for ar
Dave Mitchell
- bs compiler/interpreter
Dave Mitchell
- sed/awk question
Dave Mitchell
- sed/awk question
Dave Mitchell
- Directory File Inode Structure
Igug Moderator
- Waiting for a pty
David Moews
- Shell internals/implementation
Shamim Zvonko Mohamed
- Testing execute permission from csh
Michael Morrell
- type discriminating directory listing
Michael Morrell
- RTFM... I wish... (Re: appolgies "obviously")
Michael Morrell
- sort question
Michael Morrell
- uuxqt and LCK.XQT - what is the relationship?
Duane Morse
- Csh help needed (specfically, if's and regexp's)
Adam Moskowitz
- Request recommendation on debugging 'tutorials', dbx, adb etc.
Royal Ontario Museum
- TSR Code....
Jeff Muzzy
- Ultrix cbreak (curses) missing?
Robert Myers
- adding to the end of tarred Archive 60 meg tapes
- sys admin needed
- Ugly file name
Donald L. Nash
- comma operator: keep away?
Rich Neitzel
- Forcing SVR3 cron to re-read crontabs
Lyndon Nerenberg
- Ugly file name
Paul Neubauer
- Dbx under andrew
Scott "The Pseudo-Hacker" Neugroschl
- Testing execute permission from csh
Scott "The Pseudo-Hacker" Neugroschl
- ASCII & Binary sort (was: sort question )
Scott "The Pseudo-Hacker" Neugroschl
- Ugly file name
Scott "The Pseudo-Hacker" Neugroschl
- Is there an alternate method of remote printing?
Scott "The Pseudo-Hacker" Neugroschl
- What's the return status of a pipeline???
Jangling Neck Nipper
- How can I find out cc or cpp symbols?
Greg Noel
- How can I find out cc or cpp symbols?
Greg Noel
- How can I find out cc or cpp symbols?
Greg Noel
- Insufficient Resource Error on msgsnd Call
Charles Noren
- Insufficient Resource Error on msgsnd Call
Charles Noren
- Insufficient Resource Error on msgsnd Call
Charles Noren
- Insufficient Resource Error on msgsnd Call
Charles Noren
- Btree library
Kevin O'Gorman
- Testing execute permission from csh
Paul V O'Neill
- Mail to fortune (Re: Why is fortune writing to the fortunes.dat file?)
Paul V O'Neill
- Request recommendation on debugging 'tutorials', dbx, adb etc.
Tim O'Reilly
- a portable way to truncate an open file
Tim Oldham
- naked SCCS really SCCS!
Tim Oldham
- naked SCCS really SCCS!
Tim Oldham
- SoftEng or CS Graduate Program Search
Stanislaw L. Olejniczak
- naked SCCS really SCCS!
Raulin Olivera
- line length
Raulin Olivera
- Ugly file name
Raulin Olivera
- Large file systems
Dave Olsen
- Need a timeout device SVR3.x
Arthur David Olson
- type discriminating directory listing
Arthur David Olson
- Unix/C Testing Tools
Michael Ondrejko
- uucp and parity checking
Greg Onufer
- RCS co/ci commands problem.
Greg Onufer
- cleanup script needed
Greg Onufer
- 386/ix vp/ix using com1 device with Arnet Smartport-8
Greg Orsini
- 386/ix vp/ix using com1 device with Arnet Smartport-8
Greg Orsini
- 386/ix vp/ix using com1 device with Arnet Smartport-8
John Owens
- Scheduling Software for Unix Based Systems
Marissa Padilla
- Unix BBS Software
Bob Palowoda
- Xenix mail archive server?
Bob Palowoda
- dbx screwing up...
Ross Parker
- command re-entry in Bourne shell
Sandy Patel
- Native Language System/Support (NLS) - any documentation?
Liz Pearson
- type discriminating directory listing
Jerry Peek
- ksh-i bombs on a Gould NP1 with "ksh: no space"... help, pleeeze
Jerry Peek
- tail -f, does it lock the file while it scans ?
Jerry Peek
- tcsh
Jerry Peek
- how to test for named executable in path?
Jerry Peek
- Changing the header on the -man nroff macro
Mike Peltier
- csh Rerouting stderr
D. Jason Penney
- csh Rerouting stderr
D. Jason Penney
- Detecting Presence of Debugger
D. Jason Penney
- more on unix swap space problem
Jeffrey W Percival
- Ultrix cbreak (curses) missing?
Jeffrey W Percival
- help needed in cc library search order
Jeffrey W Percival
- Weird lint messages about C library
Jeffrey W Percival
- "dd" tape copy question
Jeffrey W Percival
- scr_color on Mac IIcx running A/UX 1.1?
Frank W. Peters
- fopen bug in Interactive ix/386 ?
Larry Philps
- sed ? question
Bob Mende Pie
- Daylight Savings Time, Leap Years, ctime, and date
Gil Pilz at Eng at Banyan
- help in finding which machine a file is actually stored on
Gil Pilz at Eng at Banyan
- looking for alternative to YP
Erik Platzbecker
- Re^2: Unix deficiencies/problems
Jay Plett
- XBBS compile on uport 286
John Plocher
- nroff + me macros -- dropped lines in output?
Tom Poage
- pattern matching
Jef Poskanzer
- Large file systems
Bill Purvis
- searching for a file
R. Meesters, Tech Support, AT&T Canada DSO
- variables in awk
Jean-Pierre Radley
- finding filenames from inodes
Jean-Pierre Radley
- Gnuplot
Gregor Reich
- pathalias
Bob Reineri
- Networks, hosts ...
Charles Renert
- RTFM... (really: sed -n 100,115p)
Peter Renzland
- Source Code Control
John Richartz
- Ultrix cbreak (curses) missing?
George Robbins
- Info required on X toolkits
Dave Roberts
- help in finding which machine a file is actually stored on
Seth Robertson
- Does GNU emacs ever use shared libraries?
David Robinson
- Does GNU emacs ever use shared libraries?
David Robinson
- inodes on remote disks (was: running out of inodes?)
David Robinson
- Does GNU emacs ever use shared libraries?
John Robinson
- Does GNU emacs ever use shared libraries?
John Robinson
- dbx screwing up...
Peter Rowell
- What does "spell" do wrong?
Fred Rowland
- ksh alias question (I'm not proud)
Steve Rudek
- naked SCCS really SCCS!
Steve Rudek
- Looking for rn and mail programmers doc
Jim Rudolf
- Alternate font in troff doc?
Jim Rudolf
- RCS co/ci commands problem.
Mark Runyan
- SYSV version of \"grabchars.c\".
Mark D. McKamey IM SA
- Graphics characters using Curses.
Mark D. McKamey IM SA
- Unix box
Nick Sayer
- Momentum Unix box
Nick Sayer
- Why is my uucico failing?
John B Scalia
- Ugly file name
Andrew Scherpbier
- Determining amount of physical memory
Rick Schubert
- Lower->Upper in AWK (was: Re: cascading pipes in awk)
Randal L. Schwartz
- Request recommendation on debugging 'tutorials', dbx, adb etc.
Ron Schweikert
- type discriminating directory listing
George Seibel
- Insufficient Resource Error on msgsnd Call
Dave Settle
- gnucc and signal 6
Barry Shein
- QNX - real-time unix?
Richard Shelby
- searching for a file
Dan Siler
- cleanup script needed
Dan Siler
- SUID and Shell scripts
Nik Simpson
- CRISP editor
Ben Smith
- SYSV version of \"grabchars.c\". (Author wants that too!)
Dan "Bucko" Smith
- SYSV version of \"grabchars.c\".
Dan "Bucko" Smith
- Internet node
Edwin T. Smith
- How do I pick a word at random from a list of words?
Joe Smith
- A good learning guide to LEX or FLEX
Timothy H Smith
- killing processes
- Starting Remote Jobs
- QNX - real-time unix?
Vikram Sohal
- Need something like access(2) that uses effective uid, gid
Scott Southard
- How can I find out cc or cpp symbols?
Henry Spencer
- I can't find a good definition anywhere...
Henry Spencer
- Unix deficiencies/problems
Mike Spitzer
- Modula2 on AT&T 3B2's?
M. A. Sridhar
- tail -f, does it lock the file while it scans ?
- What's the return status of a pipeline???
John Stafford
- Ever Growing Log Files
John Stafford
- Ugly File Name (Correction)
John Stafford
- 3Com, Novell Mail access needed
Howard Stateman
- Novell or 3Com gateways, anyone?
Howard Stateman
- ksh alias question (I'm not proud)
Gunter Steinbach
- Lower->Upper in AWK (was: Re: cascading pipes in awk)
Gunter Steinbach
- Insufficient Resource Error on msgsnd Call
Richard Stevens
- perl find-scripts (was Re: Which shell language should I use?)
Randal L. Schwartz at Stonehenge
- chmod go=u-w (was Re: Testing execute permission from csh)
Randal L. Schwartz at Stonehenge
- solution in Perl (was Re: File Modification Dates)
Randal L. Schwartz at Stonehenge
- type discriminating directory listing
Randal L. Schwartz at Stonehenge
- deleting ugly file names (was Re: Ugly file name)
Randal L. Schwartz at Stonehenge
- BISON is not PD! (was Re: Too many states for YACC)
Randal L. Schwartz at Stonehenge
- pattern matching
David W. Summers
- Reserving the printer
David W. Summers
- help in finding which machine a file is actually stored on
John Sun
- 386/ix vp/ix using com1 device with Arnet Smartport-8
Gerry Swetsky
- "usleep" routine in HP's
Ademola Taiwo
- "usleep" routine in HP's
Ademola Taiwo
- "usleep" routine in HP's
Ademola Taiwo
- Why is fortune writing to the fortunes.dat file?
Jon A. Tankersley
- Why is fortune writing to the fortunes.dat file?
Jon A. Tankersley
- What does "spell" do wrong?
Bo Thide'
- Truncating a file
Scott Thompson
- more on unix swap space problem
Chris Torek
- VMS: logicals UNIX: links, but...
Chris Torek
- more on unix swap space problem
Chris Torek
- Unix deficiencies/problems
Chris Torek
- help needed in cc library search order
Chris Torek
- u option for ar
Chris Torek
- ra82 support in 4.3Bsd
Chris Torek
- "usleep" routine in HP's
Chris Torek
- "usleep" routine in HP's
Chris Torek
- Re^2: Unix deficiencies/problems
Chris Torek
- sort question
Chris Torek
- RCS co/ci commands problem.
Chris Torek
- Starting Remote Jobs
Chris Torek
- What's the return status of a pipeline???
Chris Torek
- cleanup script needed
Chris Torek
- Unix Type-ahead problem
Chris Torek
- Ugly file name
Chris Torek
- Ugly file name
Chris Torek
- ed & redirected input
Chris Torek
- SysV echo
Chris Torek
- sort question
Chris Torek
- sort question
Chris Torek
- What to do with core dumps?
Chris Torek
- Reattach inode to lost&found / what file is it?
Chris Torek
- SysV echo
Chris Torek
- A good blockfactor for 6250 bpi tapes?
Chris Torek
- Summary: VMS->Ultrix transition
Chris Torek
- sockets/waiting
Chris Torek
- void *a
Chris Torek
- Mail to fortune (Re: Why is fortune writing to the fortunes.dat file?)
Chris Torek
- Sun dumps to swap partition
Henry Troup
- Is there an alternate method of remote printing?
Henry Troup
- sort question
Dan Troxel
- format script
Dan Troxel
- Question about dup()
Mark Valentine
- Directory File Inode Structure
Linwood Varney
- Sendmail installation
Andy Veghte
- Ugly file name
Adri Verhoef
- Ultrix cbreak (curses) missing?
Gordon Vickers
- WANTED: real path routine
Larry W. Virden
- dbm(3x) bug help needed BADLY
Paul A Vixie
- FAX board with 6386
Phillip M. Vogel
- Unix deficiencies/problems
Juergen Wagner
- searching for a file
Juergen Wagner
- type discriminating directory listing
Juergen Wagner
- Re^2: Unix deficiencies/problems
Juergen Wagner
- Unix deficiencies/problems
Juergen Wagner
- Unix Type-ahead problem
Juergen Wagner
- Does GNU emacs ever use shared libraries?
Juergen Wagner
- Unix Type-ahead problem
Juergen Wagner
- Ugly file name
Juergen Wagner
- Ugly file name
Juergen Wagner
- tcsh
Frank Wales
- Does GNU emacs ever use shared libraries?
Scott Weitzenkamp
- i-nodes disappearing in SysVr3 filesystem
T. William Wells
- finding filenames from inodes
R. L. Welsh
- Determining amount of physical memory
Mike Wescott
Orville Weyrich
- What does "spell" do wrong?
Jacob Wilbrink
- finding filenames from inodes
Bob Willey
- Frequently asked questions in these groups deserve a monthly posting
Alex Williams
- User accounts
Lowell G. Wilson
- SYSV version of \"grabchars.c\".
Leo de Wit
- RTFM... (really: sed -n 100,115p)
Leo de Wit
- RTFM... (really: sed -n 100,115p)
Leo de Wit
- RTFM... (really: sed -n 100,115p)
Leo de Wit
- INFO-UNIX Digest V7#012
UNIX Wizards
- Communicating with AF_INET sockets
Brian Wolfe
- Communicating with AF_INET sockets
Brian Wolfe
- system() --- the C function from hell?
Robert J Woodhead
- Insufficient Resource Error on msgsnd Call
Robert J Woodhead
- naked SCCS really SCCS!
Greg Woods
- Unix deficiencies/problems
Greg Woods
- naked SCCS really SCCS!
Greg Woods
- Reserving the printer
Greg Woods
- Version 7.31 of XBBS
Sandford Zelkovitz
- XBBS version 7.4.0
Sandford Zelkovitz
- version 7.42 of XBBS
Sandford Zelkovitz
- bug in version 7.42 of xbbs
Sandford Zelkovitz
- xbbs version 7.4.4
Sandford Zelkovitz
- void *a
Sandford Zelkovitz
- Ultrix cbreak (curses) missing?
Andrew Zimmerman
- ksh-i bombs on a Gould NP1 with "ks
whisenhu at addamax.UUCP
- searching for a file
- Maxtor Tahiti on Adaptek 4070
- Ethernet + TCP/IP
simon chan
- Ugly File Name
-for inetd server command
- mail alert script
epmcmanus at
- lineuse
- VMS -> Ultrix transition
- Summary: VMS->Ultrix transition
- NFS - Ethernet - MSDOS
David_A_Parsons at
- Is there an alternate method of remote printing?
The Root of all evil
- password distribution mechanism sought
Russell Taylor Comp 238 f86
- tar from a disk (not tape)
- Unix & accounting software
mchawi at
- Scheduling Software for Unix Based
flint at gistdev.UUCP
- gnucc and signal 6
phd_ivo at
- Are there PD cut/paste commands for use on BSD
phd_ivo at
- relative value of stripping symbols
Bill Stewart 201-949-0705!wcs
- Does tail still need the 4K byte limit?
Bill Stewart 201-949-0705!wcs
- Ugly file name
Fred Rump from home
- Date to switch from standard time to daylight savings time
olaf kaestner
- XBBS compile on uport 286
- remote login
- Piles of plusses (was Re: comma
eirik at
- Disassembler for VAX - wanted
march at
- Ugly file name
wolfgang at
- Unix based PL/I compiler
- List of DOS commands that are similar to UNIX
- List of DOS commands that are similar to UNIX
- csh question
- ed & redirected input
funk at
- sed ? question
funk at
- Unix deficiencies/problems
Usenet file owner
- Re^2: Unix deficiencies/problems (logical names [oh no! :-)])
Usenet file owner
- Unix deficiencies/problems (immediate character echoing)
Usenet file owner
- Shar program needed
Remote mail paths
- Patch Program needed
Remote mail paths
- Curses on Sys Vr2/3
- Thanks for curses help
- forward mail question
tran at peora.UUCP
- searching for a file
- What to do with core dumps?
michael regoli
- sed ? question
- New sed or awk question,thanks for last answer
- Large file systems
- Unusual (?) problem with cd in ksh
carroll at
- .suffile/.logout in ksh (affec
carroll at
- Diagnostics Error with a AT&T 7300
sanford at ssurf
- How to stop mail from cron
- Date to switch from standard time to daylight savings time
- Reattach inode to lost&found / what file is it?
- .suffile/.logout in ksh (affects TIMEOUT?)
- Unusual (?) problem with cd in ksh
- AT&T 7300 (3B1)
- Reference Material on Unix internals?
- Unix deficiencies/problems
mcdonald at
- Need a timeout device SVR3.x
mcdonald at
- SV/386 Consensys serial I/O board
- SUN color
Arthur Poley x2510
- Need a timeout device SVR3.x
Robert J. Diamond x7650
- Need a timeout device SVR3.x
Robert J. Diamond x7650
- Ugly file name
Dennis Pelton x8876
- sed/awk question
Arnold D. Robbins {EUCC}
- Does GNU emacs ever use shared libraries?
Israel Pinkas ~
- Does GNU emacs ever use shared libraries?
Israel Pinkas ~
Last message date:
Wed May 31 22:44:35 AEST 1989
Archived on: Mon Feb 1 19:46:08 AEST 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).