Unix Type-ahead problem

Andy Clews andy at syma.sussex.ac.uk
Sat May 13 01:04:57 AEST 1989

>From article <810053 at hpsemc.HP.COM>, by gph at hpsemc.HP.COM (Paul Houtz):
>    The VMS systems I have worked on have type-ahead, and it buffers what 
> you type without echoing until it is ready to actually execute the command.
> .....
>    On unix, I find myself having to backspace to see which characters DON'T
> disappear. 

You could always do a CTRL R to refresh your command line when the
prompt finally appears. Although I'm a confirmed UNIX fan, this is one
of the features that I like in the VMS ennvironment. Now don't let's
start another UNIX/VMS war :-)

I guess it's the tty driver that's to blame, rather than the Shell.

Andy Clews, Computing Service, Univ. of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9QN, ENGLAND
JANET: andy at syma.sussex.ac.uk   BITNET: andy%syma.sussex.ac.uk at uk.ac
Voice: +44 273 606755 ext.2129

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