Re^2: Unix Type-ahead problem

Jan B. Andersen d.jba at
Sat May 13 21:48:31 AEST 1989

andy at (Andy Clews) writes:

>You could always do a CTRL R to refresh your command line when the
>prompt finally appears. Although I'm a confirmed UNIX fan, this is one
>of the features that I like in the VMS ennvironment. Now don't let's
>start another UNIX/VMS war :-)

>I guess it's the tty driver that's to blame, rather than the Shell.

I, like several others, actually prefers to see what we're typing. In fact,
a couple of years ago when I was working on a PDP-11 running RT-11 with
Modula 2 on it, I went in and modified the Modula systems tty-driver just
to get that feature. That's the nice thing about having sources :-)
Jan B. Andersen, Datalogi 19.1     .---------------------------.       /^^^\
Roskilde Universitetscenter       ( "SIMULA does it with CLASS" )     { o_o }
Postbox 260,                       `---------------------------'  <--- \ o /
DK-4000  Roskilde (Denmark)       IfUmust: +45 46 75 77 11            -mm--mm-

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