How can I find out cc or cpp symbols?

Scott Barman scott at dtscp1.UUCP
Sun May 7 16:40:10 AEST 1989

In article <7119 at> dhesi at (Rahul Dhesi) writes:
>2.   Do not trust vendor-supplied symbols.  They are often wrong.  I
>found out from Usenet that some Sun machines define "vax".  Worse,
>System V machines define "unix".

Not that I am any lover of System V but:

	Isn't System V Unix?

I'm not trying to start a religous argument (lord knows I did this once and
10K of flaming email puts a damper on a day :-), but forgetting you feelings
twoards System V, I would think it would be OK for "unix" to be defined.
Besides, I think our AT&T source license call is The Unix Timesharing 
System V.

scott barman
{gatech, emory}!dtscp1!scott

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