Ever Growing Log Files

Tom McClory tmcclory at odin.wright.edu
Sun May 7 11:30:20 AEST 1989

As a fledgling system administrator, I'm discovering a number
of files that keep growing over time.  Some examples are:
	various uucp log files

My question is, what are the "standard" system files that
forever grow like this unless I do something explicit.
Either a direct answer, or a reference to the manual would
be appreciated.

We're running UNIX V.2 on an NCR TOWER 32-400.  In the not to distant
future, we will be upgrading to UNIX V.3.  Any hints on what changes
between V.2 and V.3 would be welcomed.

I would also appreciate any hints from veteran system administrators
for managing file systems including things that should be included 
into shell scripts run from cron, regular practice, and things not to do.
Disk space on our systems is tight, production systems run on
machines with only 85mb disks, including the O/S.

thanks in advance


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