appolgies "obviously"

Stacy L. Millions stacy at mcl.UUCP
Sat May 13 03:07:46 AEST 1989

In article <1539 at>, gefuchs at herbrand.uucp (Gill E. Fuchs) writes:
> yup, it took me a while to figure out what RTFM means (in more then one way)
> first i tried to issue the command RTFM and unix came back telling me:
>         RTFM: Command not found.
> well if the operating system tells me to read the *%&#@ manual i geuss i
> better.... :-)

Now there is a great idea. After reading the above article,
I immediately created a rtfm shell script in the local bin.
I wonder who many novice users actuall use this command.

Maybe I should start making that a standard command on all systems
I install, then when some one phones for support with a stupid question
I can tell them to try rtfm (and hope they have a sense of humor :-).


"Praise the Lord and pass the tax rebate!"
                             - Friar Tuck, Walt Disney's _Robin Hood_

S. L. Millions             Millions Computing Ltd.             tmsoft!mcl!stacy

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