killing processes

Snoopy snoopy at sopwith.UUCP
Wed May 31 03:20:16 AEST 1989

In article <3440 at orca.WV.TEK.COM> jeff at quark.WV.TEK.COM (Jeff Beadles) writes:

| -rwsr-xr-x  1 root     sys         39936 Apr 12 19:03 /usr/etc/ping
| -r-xr-sr-x  1 sys      sys        359424 Apr 14 09:52 /usr/lib/X/bin/xterm
| Notice that they are either setuid or setgid.  I would guess that yours are
| the same.  Thus, you do not 'own' the process and can not kill it.
| As the message says, you either have to be root, or the owner of the process.

| Jeff Beadles		Utek Sustaining Engineering, Tektronix Inc.
| jeff at quark.WV.TEK.COM

Correction: setgid processes *can* be killed.  I just tried it, with
identical owner, group, and permissions as listed above, under UTek.
You are still the owner of a setgid process that is not also setuid,
thus you have permission to kill it.
    _____     						  .-----.
   /_____\    Snoopy					./  RIP	 \.
  /_______\   qiclab!sopwith!snoopy			|  	  |
    |___|     parsely!sopwith!snoopy			| tekecs  |
    |___|     sun!nosun!illian!sopwith!snoopy		|_________|

		"I *am* the next man!"  -Indy

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