Slow remote tar

Paul Gill paul at concour.CS.Concordia.CA
Sun May 21 01:33:46 AEST 1989

hello Unixer,

I am writing a tar tape from an Apollo 3500 (SR10.1) to a
Sun 3/280 (OS4.01) with the following command:
  tar cf - ./dirname | rsh sunname dd of=/dev/rst8 obs=20b
and all is well.  And when I read it back with:
  rsh sunname dd if=/dev/rst8 obs=20b | tar tvf -
it gives me the list of files on the tape.

The problem is that it takes 6 times as long then doing a list
on the local system.  Does that mean that restoring a gigabyte
this way will take hours?  Anybody has tried this before?
Is there another way to achieve archiving of a big Apollo disk
to a tape device on a Sun?

Thank for your help.
Paul Gill  Analyst,  Concordia University, Computer Science,
1455 De Maisonneuve Ouest, Montreal, Quebec, Canada  H3G 1M8
email: paul at 	Phone:(514)-848-3035

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