searching for a file

David Lawrence lawrence at
Mon May 8 15:07:11 AEST 1989

In article <1530 at> gefuchs at skolem.uucp (Gill E. Fuchs) writes:
GEF> supose i know there exists a file call  gugu  but i cannot remmember
GEF> in which sub-directory?

GEF> i was thinking of using :
GEF>         find . -name 'gugu' -print
GEF> but obviously that only works for the current directory

Uh .... obviously not, if you read the manual page for find.  find is
recursive; in fact, getting it to stop being recursive is a real pain
(you can only prune directories based on name or pattern; pruning 
based on level would be a welcome addition to find).  You should have
tried that, it would work.

      tale at rpitsmts.bitnet, tale%mts at, tale at

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