Insufficient Resource Error on msgsnd Call

Richard Stevens stevens at hsi.UUCP
Thu May 25 19:25:49 AEST 1989

In article <20284 at winchester.mips.COM>, jay at mips.COM (Jay McCauley) writes:
> We also felt, but could never prove, that there were flaws in the
> standard System V implementation of the message facilities.  Every so often
> we would see mysterious confusion in the ipcs reports that would only
> clear by rebooting.  This occured on several different vendor's systems,
> so we suspected that there was some sort of subtle synchronization
> glitch in the kernel msgop support.

There is indeed a problem with the SVr2 implementation of message queues.
As I understand it, the problem occurs when data is copied between the
user space and the kernel *and* a page fault occurs.  Supposedly it was
fixed in SVr2.1 or SVr3.0, but I don't have the source for either of
these to check.  I heard they added a set of locks for each queue
so that common data structures aren't walked over if there is a page
fault during an iomove().

	Richard Stevens
	Health Systems International, New Haven, CT
	   stevens at
           ... { uunet | yale } ! hsi ! stevens

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