random numbers in a C shell script?

Rob McMahon cudcv at warwick.ac.uk
Mon May 8 19:44:14 AEST 1989

In article <3138 at uokmax.UUCP> randy at uokmax.UUCP (Longshot) writes:
>In article <1501 at cmx.npac.syr.edu> gefuchs at logiclab.cis.syr.edu (Gill E. Fuchs) writes:
>-how would one go about getting a random numba in a C shell script?
>No way that I could find. I wrote this tiny prg to allow me to do it:

4.3BSD comes with a really useful program called `jot' in the user contributed
software under `tools'.

	jot -r 3 10 99

will give 3 random numbers between 10 and 99 inclusive

	jot -c - a z 1

prints the alphabet.  I use it all the time in e.g.

	foreach i ( `jot -c - a z 1` )

UUCP:   ...!mcvax!ukc!warwick!cudcv	PHONE:  +44 203 523037
JANET:  cudcv at uk.ac.warwick             ARPA:   cudcv at warwick.ac.uk
Rob McMahon, Computing Services, Warwick University, Coventry CV4 7AL, England

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