386/ix vp/ix using com1 device with Arnet Smartport-8

Gerry Swetsky lisbon at ddsw1.MCS.COM
Sun May 21 13:30:11 AEST 1989

In article <694 at mitisft.Convergent.COM> dold at mitisft.Convergent.COM (Clarence Dold) writes:
>in article <32904 at sgi.SGI.COM>, grego at scruffy.SGI.COM (Greg Orsini) says:
>> I have a problem running VP/ix and using COM1, although the same port 
>> works fine under unix (386/ix).  All of the things I try on COM1 think
>> they are working, but nothing comes out the port.  I would appreciate
>> any comments anyone may have to direct me to the trouble.
>My setup is similar, Everex 386/20, XENIX 2.2.3 (?), and Arnet dumb ports.
>A medical program provided by the AMA won't dial out under VP/IX, 
>I use XENIX to talk to the modem first. (cu -s1200 mynumber)
>After that, I can use the AMA package under VP/IX...

I wish this was my worst problem with 386/ix. It isn't, though I too
have the problem of not being able to access COM1 or COM2 through

You want to know what my worst problem is with Interactive? They don't
give a d**n. No matter how serious your problem is all you get is con-
versation! I've had a system running at vpnet since about last November.
It hasn't worked right since day one, and even though I've been on the
phone weekly to them and written all the way to Eastman Kodak, I'm still
waiting for the promised software which will make my system useable.

Well, tell you something Interactive, and I know you're reading this,
if I don't have something in my hot little hands come Friday, I'm posting
the text of all my letters along with the description of all the problems
I've experienced.

COM1 I can handle - bad blocks I can't. Let's hear from a few more of
Interactive's unsatisfied customers.........

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