Hidden daemons and strange games processes.

Jason ccs013 at castor.ucdavis.edu
Sun May 14 06:58:03 AEST 1989

I have recently acquired and  installed a version of Mtrek (2.1) on a Sun.....

Everything works fine. But, 

about 2 nights ago, people started telling me there plasma torps were not coming

up on the screen. I looked and looked and could not find a thing. No hidden

files or bkgrnd jobs/processes.  I also realized a few other things: bouys,

mines or anything else interactive did not work.  So I erased the game, went

back to my source and re-installed the whole thing.  It was still messed up.

So someone re-booted the machine  ( a Sun 3/280 ). That worked. However, after a

while of playing all the above got screwed again.  So we tried it on a different 
machine; it was ok and then eventually screwed up too.

Besides bad interaction (I believe its a daemon problem) the daemon  keeps

running; however, I cannot find it's process.  The only clue I found is, when

I logged in on 2 different terminals, ran Mtrek on one and searched processes

with the other, instead of ' ps -aux ' giving me simply ' mtrek ' it said

'  /  (mtrek)  '    and a second time,   '   d  (mtrek)  '.   I've been working

like mad to find the answer to this problem? Any ideas? 

The only problem on fixing is: the software that I have is archives of object 

files, not original source code.   HELP! 

   ___    ___   __    ___  )___    __________________________________
  (   |  '__|  (__   /  /  /  /    |       II Corinthians 10:17     |
   \  |  (__)\  __) /__/  /  /     +--------------------------------+
    \_| Internet: jygabler at ucdavis |"Why me?!", Garion said. "Do we |
      | BITNET:   jygabler at ucdavis | we have to go thru that again",|
      | UUCP:     ucdavis!jygabler | the dry voice retorted.        |

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