"usleep" routine in HP's

Ademola Taiwo adtaiwo at athena.mit.edu
Sun May 7 03:10:12 AEST 1989

In article <5740041 at hpfcdc.HP.COM> rml at hpfcdc.HP.COM (Bob Lenk) writes:
>> Or, if nap() doesn't show up, you could use getitimer(2) to do it yourself.
>Even easier, use select(2).  Pass zero as the first argument (nfds) and
>it will sleep for as long as requested by the fifth argument (timeout).
Okay guys, How does one implement select, sigrelse, sigpause and
sighold with signals.
I have Xenix socalled SYSV which does not have those functions. I would
like to emulate them in some form. I have a feeling this could be done
by combining signals with wait. Any help?

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