Diagnostics Error with a AT&T 7300

sanford at ssurf sanford at ssurf
Tue May 16 07:16:06 AEST 1989

Hi Everyone,
   I have a PC7300 that dosen't want to boot from the hard drive. It had been
running fine for about 1.5 years and all of a sudden this happened. I have
booted it fine from the floppy drive and I can run diagnostics from the floppy.
All of the diagnostics run fine except the hard drive where is says 

ERROR Can't Recal: 4

I dont have a manual that explains the diagnostics. Does anyone know what this
means or what is going on?  I reseated all of the hard drive connectors and the
drive does not smell like a head crash. 

If I have to replace the hard disk, can I use any other brand of hard drive or
does is have to be the exact same drive?
                                       Thanks for your help,
Mike Sanford          (619) 534-4870   |Internet:    sanford at ssurf.ucsd.edu
Scripps Inst. of Oceanography, U.C.S.D.|BITnet:      msanford at ucsd.bitnet
A-030-SSURF                            |UUCP:        ...!ucsd!ssurf!sanford
La Jolla, CA 92093   USA               |SPAN/DECnet: SSURF::SANFORD
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