What should 'hostname' return?

John Franks john at hopf.math.nwu.edu
Sun May 28 01:40:58 AEST 1989

We use rrn as a news reader for several Suns running SunOs 4.0 and are
served by a machine in the local computer center.  When a user posts a
followup article his return address is set by  a  call  (I  think)  to
gethostname().   We  have  always  set this to the one word local host
name.  Thus when I post a follow  up  my  return  address  is  set  to
john at hopf.   I know I can edit it, but I would like to get the default

The manager of our news server suggested that I not hack on rrn, since
it  is  better  to  have  everyone at our institution running the same
version.  I agree (I don't want to re-install the hack  every  time  a
new version of rrn comes along).  He suggested setting hostname to our
fully qualified name; e.g.  hopf.math.nwu.edu, instead of  just  hopf.
This  fixed  the  rrn problem but broke several things with local uucp
connections.  For example, /usr/spool/uucp/D.hopf has to be changed to
/usr/spool/uucp/D.hopf.ma  and  I think our hostname in the L.sys file
of the machines we connect with has to be changed (also to hopf.ma?) 

So anyway, here's my question.  What is "hostname" supposed to return,
'hopf' or 'hopf.math.nwu.edu'?

Please respond by mail.  Thanks.  
John Franks 	Dept of Math. Northwestern University
		Internet	john at math.nwu.edu
		Bitnet		j_franks at nuacc

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