Unix deficiencies/problems (immediate character echoing)

Stacy L. Millions stacy at mcl.UUCP
Sun May 14 05:22:53 AEST 1989

In article <2930 at cps3xx.UUCP>, usenet at cps3xx.UUCP (Usenet file owner) writes:

> After all, applications don't directly grab characters; if they're
> going through some common point, you could do echoing there.  (Right?)

You want read(2) to write? :-)

> | Anton Rang (grad student) | "VMS Forever!"
At least we know your article is an unbiased oppinion.


"Fuzzy Wuzzy was a women?" - Gene Wilder _See No Evil Hear No Evil_

S. L. Millions            Millions Computing Ltd.            tmsoft!mcl!stacy

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