VMS -> Ultrix transition

sbbur%CONNCOLL.BITNET at cunyvm.cuny.edu sbbur%CONNCOLL.BITNET at cunyvm.cuny.edu
Wed May 3 01:49:22 AEST 1989

Connecticut College is currently running Ultrix on a MicroVAX II and VMS
on a VAX/8350.  Both machines were installed 2 years ago.  The Ultrix
machine is getting more use than the VMS machine.  We are planning to
consolidate to one machine, the VAX/8350--running Ultrix.

I'm looking for suggestions on making the transition from VMS to Ultrix
easier for our users.  They've already started to complain about the
prospect of having to learn a new operating system, especially a new

I seem to remember seeing a VMS-like shell for UNIX.  Does anyone have
any information about this?  Can anyone recommend a decent, EASY-TO-USE
text editor?  (I asked this question on the BITNET side of the list and
EMACS seemed to be the overwhelming favorite.)

Thanks for your help!

Scott Burdick
Connecticut College             BITNET:  sbbur at conncoll

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