Patch Program needed

Remote mail paths netnews at psc90.UUCP
Tue May 9 06:55:38 AEST 1989

Does anyone have a good PATCH program? We are getting a lot of patches
for elm, and other packages which we need to apply patches to. We are
running 4.3BSD, and the most recent patch program we have came from 
info-server at with a 0 patch level.



  \      ...Deryk C. Marien                                            /
   \     .  Plymouth State College, Computer Services                 /
    >----.  Plymouth, NH  03264 -------------------------------------<
   /     .  UUCP: !uunet!unh!psc90!netnews or !dartvax!psc90!netnews  \
  /      ...BITNET: D_MARIEN at UNHH                                      \
 /..........COMPUSERVE (72701,2200).....................................\

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