searching for a file

rae98 rae98 at wash08.UUCP
Fri May 26 00:44:17 AEST 1989

In article <1530 at>, gefuchs at skolem.uucp (Gill E. Fuchs) writes:
> how would one search for a filename in a directory hierarchy?
> i was thinking of using :
>         find . -name 'gugu' -print
> but obviously that only works for the current directory
> how would one make that a recursive search, something a la ls -R

No, actually, that find command will find a file/directory anywhere
from . on down through all subdirs whose name is gugu.
UUNET:	uunet!wash08!rae98		should work.
BITNET:	I don't know...can you tell me?
UUCP:	rae98 at wash08.UUCP		does this work?

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