RCS co/ci commands problem.

Greg Onufer exodus at cheers.UUCP
Wed May 10 13:03:42 AEST 1989

In article <1577 at auspex.auspex.com>, hitz at auspex.auspex.com (Dave Hitz) writes:
> If you are doing lots of work on a particular branch, you might try
> the following aliases:
> 	alias co 'co -r1.1.1'
> 	alias ci 'ci -r1.1.1'

Or, if you'd like, _everybody_ using the RCS file can have this as a default
by using an administrative option:

	rcs -b1.1.1 RCSfile

which makes the 1.1.1 branch the default for the file `RCSfile'.  It has its


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