dbm(3x) bug help needed BADLY

Christopher Lott cml at brachiosaur.cis.ohio-state.edu
Thu May 11 23:34:56 AEST 1989

In article <VIXIE.89May11030122 at jove.pa.dec.com> vixie at decwrl.dec.com (Paul A Vixie) writes:
>Jon Bennett asks a fair question: why doesn't dbm(3) work on a Symmetric?
>Moral of story: compile up a libdbm.a or libc.a(ndbm.o) with GCC.


I tinkered with gcc and dbm routines and want to tell anyone who tries this
to be certain to compile both the dbm libraries and your appl. with the
same compiler.

pcc-derived c compilers return structure contents in a different way from
gcc and they are not compatible.  dbm_fetch() and friends return datum structs;
you can't mix a dbm library compiled by pcc (as supplied by SunOS 3.5.1, which
does pcc-flavor struct returns) with an application compiled by gcc (which
will expect gcc-compliant struct return procedures). I tried this, and trust
me, it doesn't work. :-)

Look carefully at the gcc flag -pcc_struct_return,
although last I heard, it wasn't quite working correctly yet.

cml at cis.ohio-state.edu        Computer Science Dept, OSU          614-292-1826
 or:  ...!{att,pyramid,killer}!osu-cis!cml		<standard disclaimers>

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