Ugly File Name

-for inetd server command nobody at orca.WV.TEK.COM
Sat May 13 10:24:31 AEST 1989

From: dougb at mustang.WV.TEK.COM (Doug Becker;685-2062;61-277;;mustang)
Path: mustang!dougb

I tried to reply via net mail, to no avail.

In article <128 at tdl.UUCP> (somebody) wrote:
>	So the program ran and created a real ugly filename.

     One way to remove it is to move everything out of the directory 
except the offending file, then rm -rf the directory containing the 
file (and then restore it).

>	I would like to be a real man and do it in "C" but I will 
>	accept any suggestions in any manner of solution.

     As for C, well, I leave that as an exercise for the reader. :-)

                                                           --- Doug

==================================DOUGLAS H. BECKER=============================
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