/etc/utmp Question (?)

David E. Brooks Jr brooks at corpane.UUCP
Sat May 13 00:35:11 AEST 1989

I'm seeing a curious oddity that I think is related to something in
either the /etc/utmp or /etc/wtmp files.  I'm working with a replacement
login program that seems to work just fine on a serial line, but when
I login one of the consoles, or login over a ttyp line it leaves a
false entry that shows up in who.  Is there something additional I
need to do to either utmp/wtmp files (I'm using the getut library routines)
or am I missing something else?

David E. Brooks Jr                           UUCP :  ...!ddsw1!corpane!brooks
Corpane Industries Incorporated                      ...!ukma!corpane!brooks
10100 Bluegrass Parkway                      Phone:  +1 502 491 4433 x122
Louisville, KY  40299                        Quote:  printf("%c",34)

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