Date to switch from standard time to daylight savings time

thomas.e.lowe tel at cbnewsh.ATT.COM
Sat May 13 03:37:03 AEST 1989

In article <345 at ntc.UUCP> olaf at ntc.UUCP (olaf kaestner) writes:
>We have several different versions of UNIX running here but all have a
>common flaw: there is no way we know to teach them that Congress changed the
>dates of the switch from standard time to daylight savings time and back.
>Our local guru's do not know where to patch - we do not have sources
>to all UNIX variants - System III/V (Altos 68000, Pyramid OSx, Nixdorf TOS).
>Who could tell us what can be done to inject the correct dates into the
>body of the kernel (or whereever)?

The only place I have seen code that corrects for the Change in 1987 as
well as dealing with Nixon's change back in the 70's (remember the Energy
Crisis?) is in the source for ctime functions.  (the file is ctime.c 
somewhere in the /usr/src directory).  You would have to fix and archive that
file to deal with the 1987 changes.  Then you would have to recompile ALL
commands that use ctime.

The other thing you can do is temporarily change the /etc/TIMEZONE file
(or whereever you set TZ) such that it accurately shows the time during
the time it should change and the time it actually does change.  This
'fix' has been posted a couple times, but I don't have it handy.  
I'm sure someone else will post it.  (hint hint)

Tom Lowe    tel at hound.ATT.COM or  att!hound!tel     201-949-0428
AT&T Bell Laboratories, Room 2E-637A
Crawfords Corner Road,  Holmdel, NJ  07733
(R) UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T  (keep them lawyers happy!!)
Tom Lowe    tel at hound.ATT.COM or  att!hound!tel     201-949-0428
AT&T Bell Laboratories, Room 2E-637A
Crawfords Corner Road,  Holmdel, NJ  07733
(R) UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T  (keep them lawyers happy!!)

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