VMS: logicals UNIX: links, but...

Jim Frost madd at bu-cs.BU.EDU
Mon May 1 05:52:25 AEST 1989

In article <810040 at hpsemc.HP.COM> gph at hpsemc.HP.COM (Paul Houtz) writes:
|in my opinion there is NO "badly" written code.   There is only code
|that is less portable or less maintainable.
|To say that the code is basly written is a value judgement,  and it's 
|unfair to the thousands of programmers that are writing valuable useful 
|code but have never seen or used a UNIX system.   

If you think there is no "badly" written code, you haven't worked in
the same environments I have.

If code written for a commercial system is broken and/or
unmaintainable, it is "bad" by my standards and by those of customers
I have dealt with.  Good code can be non-portable, but code that is
unmaintainable or just plain broken is just plain bad.

[Of course most people haven't seen forty nested '?' ':' statements
which surround a 'case' statement in a C program, nor other similar
programming practices that I ran across recently.  If that's not bad
code, it's at least ignorant.]

jim frost
madd at bu-it.bu.edu

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