uucp and parity checking

Greg Onufer exodus at cheers.UUCP
Thu May 4 17:28:00 AEST 1989

In article <1108 at wpg.UUCP>, russ at wpg.UUCP (Russell Lawrence) writes:
> Unlike most systems that we communicate with, 'xyz' does parity
> checking on their ports.  Could this be the cause of our problem, and
> if so, can anyone suggest a work around?  'xyz' does *NOT*
> run HDB and I don't think they're too excited about changing the
> port definitions in their gettydefs file in order to conform to
> our expectations.

This is mostly lore passed around by those who saw it once, a long
time ago....

The first thing to put in your expect-send sequence is:

	"" P_ZERO
	(expect nothing, set parity to none)

or replace P_ZERO with P_ODD, P_EVEN, or P_ONE, whichever works.
I had to use these with lll-winken after it was upgraded to a newer
machine.  Symptoms: immediately after logging in, the connection would
time out... thanks to an omniscient administrator at llnl, these undocumented
features of BSD uucp were made known to me.  They worked with my UUCP also.

Good luck...


Greg Onufer .. University of the Pacific .. Focus Semiconductor
.. greg at cheers.uucp .. cheers!greg at lll-winken.llnl.gov .. 209-957-3963

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