Why is fortune writing to the fortunes.dat file?

Jon A. Tankersley zjat02 at cra2.uucp
Wed May 31 05:43:01 AEST 1989

They all break with 4.0.3.  Sigh.  Seems that someone didn't trust random()
very much.  Or any of his brothers()/sisters() :-).  I wrote my own for
a 3b2 and it worked just fine, but then I didn't look for long/short/obscene
fortunes, but still.

Don't look for an early fix.  Since it is a game (or is it?) it won't be
a high priority problem.  An alternative would be to have fortune aliased
to fortune with a file spec.

#include <std/disclaimer.h>		/* nobody knows the trouble I .... */
tank at apctrc.trc.amoco.com    ..!uunet!apctrc!tank

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