type discriminating directory listing

Juergen Wagner gandalf at csli.Stanford.EDU
Wed May 10 12:02:06 AEST 1989

In article <1529 at cmx.npac.syr.edu> gefuchs at logiclab.cis.syr.edu (Gill E. Fuchs) writes:
>what would be the command for getting a partial directory listings
>of only the subdirectories and symbolic-links ?

This isn't really a deficiency of UNIX. It is more the lack of a more powerful
"ls" command what is bothering you. Solutions to this exist, e.g.:
   ls -l `find . \( -name . -o -prune \) -a \( -type d -o -type l \) -print`
   ls -l | grep "[ld]"

Juergen Wagner		   			gandalf at csli.stanford.edu
						 wagner at arisia.xerox.com

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