/etc/dump W

Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E mchinni at pica.army.mil
Fri May 26 07:20:09 AEST 1989


My "/etc/dump W" command seems to have broken. Running it gets nothing. No
prompt, no error message, no anything. I have tried restoring a copy of
dump from a backup tape. No difference. And I KNOW that it was working ok
when the dump was made because the scripts we use to do the dumps rely on
"/etc/dump W" working. I suspect that a file(s) used by dump was corrupted
either in contents or permissions. The man for dump only mentions
/etc/dumpdates and /etc/fstab. I checked these files and the contents look
ok (I can be sure since the total #lines for both files is about 25). The
permissions also look good:
-rw-r--r-- for /etc/dumpdates and -rwxr-xr-x for /etc/fstab.

What am I missing ?

			    Michael J. Chinni
      Chief Scientist, Simulation Techniques and Workplace Automation Team
	 US Army Armament Research, Development, and Engineering Center
 User to skeleton sitting at cobweb   () Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey  
    and dust covered workstation      () ARPA: mchinni at pica.army.mil
      "System been down long?"        () UUCP: ...!uunet!pica.army.mil!mchinni

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