
Jeff Benjamin benji at hpfcdq.HP.COM
Wed May 24 03:55:53 AEST 1989

> Sometime during the winter, tcsh was installed on the vax1 here.
> I've been trying to change from csh to tcsh for a while now with
> no luck whatsoever.  I no several people who have changed over
> with no problems, but I can't seem to get it to work.  I've
> tried the following:
>       chsh tcsh
>       chsh /usr/local/tcsh
>       chsh tcsh /users/ (my user ID #)
>       chsh /usr/local/tcsh /users/(my #s again)

The proper usage for chsh is: chsh name [ shell ]

This is on HP-UX, which is Berkely-derived and SysV compatible.
The name (your login name) is NOT optional, though the shell is
( it defaults to Bourne shell /bin/sh ).

Try "chsh don /usr/local/tcsh"

Jeff Benjamin                         {ucbvax,hplabs}!hpfcla!benji
Graphics Technology Division          benji%hpfcla at hplabs.HP.COM
Hewlett Packard Co.                   Fort Collins, Colorado	

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