sed ? question

funk at funk at
Sat May 27 05:26:00 AEST 1989

> I have an application where I want to run a file through cpp and then 
> strip that file of all the nasties that cpp generates, namely:
> 	1. Lines beginning "# line number info "
> and 	2. The many blank lines.
> It seems to me that sed should be able to do this for me--
> but I can't figure out how to do #2.  Surely there is a sed guru out there who
> can help me...(Add other pitiful cries for help.)

Try  sed "/^ *$/d"
That will delete all lines consisting of  (only) any number of blnks

|        Bruce Funk                         INTERNET: funk at |
|ACSEH, 21st TAACOM          __________________________________________________|
|Kaiserslautern, W. Germany  | Any resemblance between me and reality          |
|(guesting on osiris)        | is strictly coincidental                        |

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