csh question

nodak.edu nodak.edu
Tue May 23 16:28:36 AEST 1989


  A friend of mine was playing with our version of the csh on a (mostly)
Sys V.2 lookalike system, when the following sequence occured:

% set ab = (spi kev ish ere)
% echo $ab[1]
% alias test ' foreach x (1 2 3) \
echo $ab[$x] \
end '
% test
? ?
DISCONNECTED from 04/118

Are we doing something incredibly stupid here ?  Or do we have a brain damaged
version of csh ?  We're running sx1100 2R1 on an sperry 1100/91 mainframe with
a binary only license.

Thanks & please forgive the spelling errors.

Patrick Spinler                         bitnet: pspinler%mkvax1 at msus1
115 Parkway Apt 102                     Mankato State University
Mankato, Minnesota 56001

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