RTFM... I wish... (Re: appolgies "obviously")

Blair P. Houghton bph at buengc.BU.EDU
Sun May 14 22:27:56 AEST 1989

In article <132 at mcl.UUCP> stacy at mcl.UUCP (Stacy L. Millions) writes:
>In article <1539 at cmx.npac.syr.edu>, gefuchs at herbrand.uucp (Gill E. Fuchs) writes:
>> yup, it took me a while to figure out what RTFM means (in more then one way)
>> first i tried to issue the command RTFM and unix came back telling me:
>>         RTFM: Command not found.
>Now there is a great idea. After reading the above article,
>I immediately created a rtfm shell script in the local bin.

Being told RTFM doesn't always help, like when the sh(1) says

	while _list_ do _list_ done

and you code

	while newfoo do ls $foo; foo=`newfoo` done

and it's days before you figure out that you gotta

	while newfoo
		ls $foo; foo=`newfoo`

to get sh to consume it...

In that vein, I've R'ed TMFM, and I've twiddled the permutations, but
I just can't seem to get sed(1) to print lines 110 through 115 of
a file.  It seems the most basic of things, but sed(1) insists on
printing the whole file, no matter what I do...

What is the proper one-liner syntax for that?

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