pattern matching

Don Faulkner faulkner at
Sat May 20 07:01:58 AEST 1989

Any one thinking about regular expression handlers should really
take a look at the one from GNU EMACS --- it is VERY powerful, fast,
and very flexible (you can set it up with a translation table
to ignore case ...)  Works very well stand alone --- need only two
files: "regex.c" and "regex.h"

Best part:  syntax and capabilities are identical to those from GNU
EMACS (golly!)


 Don Faulkner                                       
 Building 1, Room 803
 Harvard University, School of Public Health
 665 Huntington Avenue
 Boston, MA  02115

 ARPA:      faulkner%jmullins at                
 BITNET:    faulkner at harvard
 Telephone: (617) 732-2297

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