NFS - Ethernet - MSDOS

David_A_Parsons at David_A_Parsons at
Mon May 15 07:50:30 AEST 1989

My company is purchasing a bunch of Sequent S-27's to act as 
database servers for an Ethernet LAN consisting of MS-DOS PC's...

I more-or-less understand how NFS works (in theory) but exactly how
NFS interfaces the two operating systems is rather mysterious.  Is
there any comprehensive literature on the subject?

I haven't contacted Sequent... I'm not even sure at this point that 
they're supplying the client software, though I assume they are 
(my company tends to like to spend money on hardware and software and
then assume that we will magically figure out how to run it... none of that
training stuff, no-siree!

Dave Parsons

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